Friday, August 17, 2012

Lyla turns ONE!!!

I know that every mom says..."I can't believe my child is one (or any age for that fact)", but honestly I sometimes still can't believe I have two kids!  So, the fact that Lyla is ONE, just baffles me!  I wonder if I cherished every moment and all the wonderful milestones that she reached in her last year.  I also worry about the "second child syndrome".  I had been using some of Cade's leftover labels for cups and bottles on Lyla's stuff and realized the deserved her own!  There are many other hand me downs that she has used and will have to use the rest of her life, but at least her cups say her name on it and not Cade's.  It's the little things right??

Ryan and I try to have traditions on birthdays that aren't elaborate, but something fun we can do every year.  I'm sure we'll add or take away as they get older, but it's fun to start traditions.  Ryan's mom always made him homemade breakfast on his birthday (which BTW I still carry on) then his dad would take him around Austin to do fun things (movies, golf, etc.).  They try to still do that when time permits.  Ryan has great memories because of this so I we are going to try to keep the same up for our kids!

Since Lyla was only turning one and Ryan had to work on her birthday we didn't do a lot, but I did make a fun breakfast.

Here's some traditions that we have started:
-The Birthday wreath got hung during the month of August.  Cade somehow broke the wreath into 4 pieces a few weeks ago, so it will have to be fixed, but I have until February to figure it out!
-Both Ryan and I woke up Lyla and sang to her.
-We hung balloons outside her bedroom door.
-Special breakfast.  As they kids get older I'll let them pick what they want!  Can't wait for that.

Pumpkin Pancakes with whipped cream and strawberries!

 Time for Presents!!!
I made her a little Owl Purse since she always wants to play with mine.

We gave her a little tea set that sings and makes tea noises.  This is what my face looks like when I have a British accent.
Too much tea!

Cade asking Ryan if he'd like some tea!

Happy Birthday my sweet girl!!!  You have such a personality and I can't wait to see what you become.  With your social skills it will be wonderful to see how many people's lives you touch.  

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