A lot of our traditions have either been carried on from our childhood or started this year because Cade is now old enough to do things.
1. Easter dress. My mom used to make my Easter dresses when I was little and I haven't started that tradition, yet. I loved going to pick out my fabric with her and then surprise...Easter morning there was a dress. (She told me in high school that she would stay up all night before Easter to finish it.) Sometimes there was a stuffed animal or doll that matched my dress, too. Maybe one day I'll be good enough to make Lyla a dress and maybe Cade some matching shorts. One day. At least this year I was able to find Lyla a great smocked dress. Close enough. In Sunday school they tucked it all in to her bloomers so she could crawl. They finally just took it off, but an "Easter bubble" or "Easter pant suit" just aren't the same as an "Easter dress" for a little girl.
2. Dye Easter Eggs.
Cade enjoyed this for a little while. Once we started dropping the
eggs in he really wanted to just stir really fast and splash around. Not
that great for our clothes. Next year I will make my own colors out of
washable things.
3. Lamb of God. My mom taught me pretty young that Easter was about Christ dieing and being raised from the dead. He was the perfect sacrifice or the "perfect Lamb". She started collect Lambs a year or so before she died and would put them in her classroom. The Easter after she passed, Ryan bought me a lamb and the year after as well. I love pulling the Lambs out at Easter time. What a great explanation for kids.
4. Egg Hunt. I think that's a given, right? When I was little I hunted with my good friends, Judith and Susan. Our moms put our names on eggs and we would knew that there was one special egg out there that no one else could get. I still remember Judith yelling across the yard that she had found my egg. Cade's egg was stuff with every kind of candy and Lyla's egg had some little fruit puffs in them. Cade opened Lyla's egg first and was disappointed. when it had her little puffs in them. I was excited to see that Cade had an egg with his name on it and Ryan's mom and sister's house, too. :)
5. Church. Easter isn't the same with out an Easter Sunday service. Some churches have sunrise services which I thought would be amazing (until now that I have kids, but some day we'll go to one). Here's the kids in their Sunday School classes.
Next year I hope to make Resurrection Rolls and a Resurrection Garden. Cade will be older and will understand a little more.
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