Since Lyla has started crawling (which has been several months) I feel guilty for putting her in dresses. She can't crawl because the skirt gets in her way. She either falls down or just gets stuck- which doesn't make her happy! Her Sunday School teachers either take her dress off or tuck it into her bloomers. I just hated putting her in pants for church when she has so many cute hand-me-down dresses. I decided that she could wear bubbles to church but I'd like to make some that were "fancy".
So, I started looking on Pinterest for a bubble tutorial and I found some but didn't find exactly what I was looking for (or it looked too hard). So I used two patterns to create one bubble outfit!
For the bottom I used the Mama Says Sew tutorial and for the top I used a traditional pillow case dress. Aesthetic Nest is where I got the tutorial for the pillow case top.
I learned some things along the way, but I'm proud of it overall.
1. My snaps didn't line up, so I will have to practice that again.
2. French seams...anyone heard of them? They are my new favorite thing! It's an easy way to stick two pieces together and not have to serge or zig zag the ends. Look at the Pillow case dress tutorial above to find out about french seams!
3. Ryan hates having to tie the bow so I think I will try to make an elastic neck at some point!
i LOVE french seams! I used them on all our pillows and in tote bags. Everything just looks so much cleaner :)